Poldi's Hanna


Hanna at the age of 6 weeks

Hanna with 9 weeks

Hanna with 10 weeks

Hanna at the age of 15 weeks

Hanna 4 Month

Hanna with 15 months at one of her first exhibitions

Hanna 1 1/2 years (CACIB Brno)


Hanna at the exhibition in Stendal 2008, here she became BOB and "Bester Hochläufer"

Hanna (on the right) on the Danube promenade in Bratislava after an exhibition

Hanna 2 1/2 years


On vacation we were together with some Czech Airedale friends again. Here we also had time with Hanna to practice a little subordination and protection service.

See. It doesn't look that bad, or at all?



January 2009 walk after the exhibition in Innsbruck

Making exhibition and walk so tired

